How We Homeschool

How We Homeschool

Have you ever wondered how we legally homeschool in California and how our King’s Academy program fits? We hope this document will help you understand.

California law requires that all children between the ages of six and eighteen attend school. The compulsory age is six years old by September 1 of the current school year.

Because the term “homeschool” is not specifically defined in the California Constitution or the Education Code, there are four ways to legally conduct education within your own home and therefore meet the compulsory attendance requirement:

Private School Affidavit

File a Private School Affidavit (PSA). This creates your own legal private school at your home address. This affords you the most freedom. While there are a few record keeping requirements, you do not have to submit those records to any governing authority, nor do you need to submit schoolwork samples. You have freedom to choose your own curriculum, benchmarks, and graduation requirements.

Private School
Satellite Program

Enroll in a Private School Satellite Program (PSP). This organization files the PSA and holds the required records on behalf of its member families.


Use a private credentialed tutor. Tutoring must be done for at least three hours per day and at least 175 days per year.


Enroll in a charter school. When your child is enrolled in a charter, you are part of the public school system and agree to abide by the requirements and laws pertaining to public education.

Like traditional “brick and mortar” schools, homeschooling can either be private or public. Options #1-3 above are considered private and #4 is considered public and subject to the laws governing California education.


King’s Academy is not considered a “school.” It is not a PSP. King’s Academy is a homeschool tutorial program. KA partners with our member families to provide enriching education from qualified Christian teachers in core subjects three days per week. Parents follow the lesson plans at home on the other two days of the week. KA was designed to support parents in educating their children from a biblical perspective. To be compliant with compulsory education law, KA families must enroll their children in a legally defined school. This is usually by filing their own PSA (#1 above) or joining a public charter (#4 above). KA strongly recommends that our member families file their own PSA which affords the most flexibility and freedom to choose curriculum, benchmarks, and graduation requirements.

KA also requires that our PSA families join the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). This is a national group which has been advocating for private homeschool rights for over 40 years. Members can seek legal advice specific to their own state and, in some cases, representation.

Here in California, we are blessed to also have a unique state organization called Christian Home Educators Association of California (CHEA) which specializes in supporting private homeschooling. They are experts on California law and requirements. KA recommends membership and support of this organization.

Lastly, Family Protection Ministries is a legal watchdog organization which works to “detect, analyze, monitor, and intervene in all legislation affecting the legality of private home education in California since 1986.”

King’s Academy values the calling of parents to homeschool and considers it a privilege to partner with our member families in fellowship and mutual trust to that endeavor.'

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  –Proverbs 22:6
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